A module is a colletction of items:
- functions
- structs
- traits
What does the bond
mean? Somehow it can be translated as building up a strong binding
relationship with a PoS network. If you want to put your tokens “at stake”, you must bond
them first. But what does the bond actually do? What’s the difference between substrate
and darwinia-network
– Stash
and Controller
Stash Key: The Stash account is meant to hold large amounts of funds. Its private key should be as secure as possible in a cold wallet.
Controller Key: The Controller account signals choices on behalf of the Stash account, like payout preferences, but should only hold a minimal amount of funds to pay transaction fees. Its private key should be secure as it can affect validator settings, but will be used somewhat regularly for validator maintenance.
This article is about setting up an environment for enbedded Linux application development for loongson. The resulting environment enables cross-platform application development for Loongson mipsel-based SOMs/COMs using Ubuntu18.04 for application development.
The first thing we need to do is communicating with hardware using USB cable.The boards are equipped with PL2303-based device. To be able to talk to an application, our machine must have appropriate PL2303 drivers. Fortunately, Ubuntu18.04 is default equipped with the PL2030 drivers(we could use lsmod | grep pl2303
to check it). The only thing necessary is to check whether the Ubuntu machine can communicate over USB with the attached loongson development board.
To do this:
The Runtime is block execution logic of a blockchain, sometimes referred to as the state transition function STF
. In Substrate, this is stored on-chain in an implementation-neutal(语言无关的), machine-executable(机器可执行的) format as a WebAssembly binary.
Other system